For Coaches and Counselors

Below is an overview of the Ab Nicholas Scholarship opportunity for qualifying students. A poster is also available for display. Download poster >

  1. Open to any high school senior, boy or girl, who is participating in your basketball program as either a player or manager.
  2. Student must be applying to a UW System school.
  3. A NCAA regulation prohibits student athletes at the collegiate level, who play at Division I schools, from receiving our scholarship. Division I schools include UW – Madison, UW – Milwaukee and UW – Green Bay. Students who are competing at Division II and Division III schools may apply for the scholarship as long as they meet our eligibility requirements.
  4. Scholarships are renewed annually for the length of the program ($10,000 per year for 4-year programs and $5,000 per year for 2-year programs) by maintaining a cumulative grade point average greater than 2.0.
  5. Applications will only be accepted at  www.AbNicholasScholars.org.
  6. Applications are accepted February 1 through April 30 each year.
  7. Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than June 30.